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Ghosts of Monte Cristo Gold

Now Live on our YouTube channel

Join us as we explore one of the largest and most historic producing abandoned gold mines in the Monte Cristo Mining District Snohomish County WA .

Monte Cristo was the first live mining camp on the west slopes of the Cascade Range. There were 13 mines and 40 claims by 1891. By 1893 there were 211 mining claims. The boom required money from the eastern United States to continue to grow. In 1891 John D. Rockefeller became interested in Monte Cristo. His syndicate, Colby and Hoyt, took over the primary mines, including the Pride and Mystery mines. The Willman's brothers were paid $470,000. Rockefeller's companies acquired a controlling two-thirds interest in the best properties. Frederick Trump, grandfather of U.S. President Donald Trump, was also active in the town; he operated a boom-town hotel and alleged brothel.

The mine was one of the Willman's brothers' ventures and initially proved to be productive. However, like other mines in Monte Cristo, the ore supply diminished around 500 feet from the surface when they attempted to dig deeper into the mountain. The mine changed ownership several times, with production resuming briefly in 1907 and again in the 1920s, but neither attempt was successful.

Looking up a manway in this historic abandoned gold mine
Looking up a manway in this historic abandoned gold mine






The Adventure Begins Now. 

Most outdoor enthusiasts go hiking, fishing or mountain climbing, Ghost Towns of Washington has an enthusiasm all our own.  Ghost Towns of Washington seeks out towns, mining sites, and historic sites that once existed or will cease to exist in the near future.  Photographing and documenting these remnants of our past.


In 2010 we decided to embark on a series of weekend self guided adventures to ghost towns and historic mining sties in Washington.  We set out seeking the thrill of adventure and undiscovered treasure.  What we discovered was much more rewarding.

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